Team Cisilion New Starter: Jaidon Webley

Team Cisilion New Starter: Jaidon Webley

We are thrilled to welcome Jaidon to #TeamCisilion as Account Manager!

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Resilient, Ambitious and Personable

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

My mother, hands down. My grit and tenacity come from her; she’s always been the one to push me to be the best version of myself.

What does going Beyond Expectations mean to you?

For me it’s about seizing all your opportunities, being meticulous in your approach, and delivering on them with excellence.

Why did you join Team Cisilion?

The ethos of winning together is very important for me and that’s what was demonstrated throughout the interview process. Also having the opportunity to collaborate with great minds in the industry was very appealing.

What are you most looking forward to about working at Cisilion?

I’m looking forward to working with the team to contribute to the continuous growth and success of the business and bring new ideas and energy that can help the team unlock new doors.

What are you most proud of about your career so far?

There’s a number of things, from the relationships I’ve built, to helping clients achieve their transformation goals but most of all is my personal growth and development. I take pride in learning from every challenge to be stronger for the future.

What are your long-term career aspirations?

By the time I hang up my boots, I’d want to be known as a trusted leader who has passed on my knowledge and experiences to people across the industry to help them grow and succeed in their careers.

What is a professional goal of yours?

Watch Club definitely.

What is a personal goal of yours?

Take my family away on a Caribbean Cruise for summer 2025.