5 Highlights from Cisco’s Big Cybersecurity Report 2016

5 Highlights from Cisco’s Big Cybersecurity Report 2016

Businesses are still using obsolete technology leaving them disposed to cyber-attacks, security researchers are losing their confidence, and hackers are making heaps of money through so-called ransom-ware attacks.

Cisco released their Annual Security report in July 2016 – read about the five key highlights from the report below:

  1. Hackers love ransomware
  2. Adobe Flash is still bad for cybersecurity
  3. Hackers are setting up shop in abandoned WordPress websites
  4. Companies with old, outdated technology are at risk of attacks
  5. Security teams are losing their confidence

Access the full report here – http://www.cisco.com/c/dam/assets/offers/pdfs/cisco-asr-2016.pdf